One-Bit Serial Adder

This work is done by me and Makkawan Lohitsiri.

Section 1: Before Layouting

This one-bit serial adder is made by using 0.12 μm CMOS technology. The logic that we will use are static CMOS logics because it is the most reliable and easy to implement.

First, the functional circuit is purposed as a behavioral style in Verilog

module serial_adder 
    (   input clk, reset,   //clock and reset
        input a, b,         //
        output s, cout      //

wire c1, c2;
reg cin;

assign s = a ^ b ^ cin;
assign c1 = (a & b) | (cin & b) | (a & cin);
assign cout = (reset == 1'b0) ? 1'b0 : c1; 

always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset)
    if (reset == 1'b0) begin //active high reset
        cin <= 1'b0;
    end else begin
        cin <= cout;


Then, the circuit is tested against this input sequence to check its function.

behavioral input sequence

The corresponding testbench is provided here.

module tb;

    // Inputs
    reg clk, reset, a, b;

    // Outputs
    wire s, cout;

    // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
    serial_adder uut (
        .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .a(a), .b(b), .s(s), .cout(cout)

//generate clock with 10 ns clock period.
        clk = 1'b1; #25; 
        clk = 1'b0; #25; 
    always @(posedge clk)
        // Initialize Inputs
        clk <= 1;
        a <= 0;
        b <= 0;
        reset <= 0; #100;
        reset <= 1;
        //add two 4 bit numbers, 1111 + 1101 = 11100
        a <= 1; b <= 1;  #50;
        a <= 1; b <= 0;  #50;   
        a <= 1; b <= 1;  #50;      
        a <= 1; b <= 1;  #50;   
        reset <= 0; #50;
        reset <= 1;
        //add two 5 bit numbers, 11011 + 10001 = 101100
        a <= 1; b <= 1;  #50;
        a <= 1; b <= 0;  #50;     
        a <= 0; b <= 0;  #50;    
        a <= 1; b <= 0;  #50;
        a = 1; b = 1;  #50;     
        reset <= 0;

The behavioral simulation of the circuit is done in Xilinx Vivado 2022.2. The waveform is provided below.

behavioral simulation

The values of s and c(out) are as expected, so we can use this Verilog file to design our circuit.

The schematic of this circuit is also synthesized by Xilinx Vivado 2022.2 as in this picture below.

Generated circuit

This will be used for our design in the next section.

Section 2: Logic Diagram of the Bit-Serial adder.


The one-bit serial adder is built by these modular units:

  • C_out_circuit: producing a carry from a binary addition. C_out_circuit
  • S_out_circuit: producing a sum from a binary addition. S_out_circuit
  • 2-to-1 multiplexer. 2-to-1 multiplexer
  • D flip-flop. (Please note that each logic gate with a clock gating is composed of that logic gate and an additional transmission gate.) D flip-flop

The overall circuit when integrating all the modules together.

Overall diagram

To restart the adder, the active-low reset signal (brown line) is fed to the circuit. The D flip-flop will be reset asynchronously and force the C(in) (red line) to be zero. The multiplexer also forces the output to be zero if the reset signal is still active to prevent the C(in) signal from taking the C(out) value when the calculation is not start yet, so when the calculation is started, the first C(in) fed to the C_out_circuit and S_out_circuit is zero as it should be.

The critical path of a circuit is shown below.

Critical path

Section 3: Transistor schematics of the Bit-Serial adder.

Transistor-level diagram

For clarity, the transistor schematics will be presented on the logic gates level (NAND2, NAND3, INV, transmission gate, XOR2.)

NAND2 transistor diagram NAND2
NAND3 transistor diagram NAND3
INV transistor diagram Inverter
Transmission gate transistor diagram Transmission gate
XOR2 transistor diagram XOR2

Layout of each primitive cell

These are the primitive cells that we use to build the circuit: NAND2, NAND3, INV, Transmission gate, XOR2.

NAND2 layout diagram NAND2
NAND3 layout diagram NAND3
INV layout diagram Inverter
Transmission gate layout diagram Transmission gate
XOR2 layout diagram XOR2

Section 4: Layout of the Bit-Serial adder.

  • C_out_circuit.


  • S_out_circuit.


  • 2-to-1 multiplexer.

    2-to-1 multiplexer

  • D flip-flop.

    D flip-flop

  • A buffer.


The overall layout of the adder is shown below. It has passed the design rules check (DRC.)

Overall layout

Section 5: Post-layout Testing.

The testing of one-bit adder will use this sequence:

Post-layout input sequence

The reset signal is low for 5 clock cycles and then is high. Then, the A and B are fed to the circuit from the LSB to the MSB for 32 clock cycles. After that, the reset signal will be low again. The waveform are shown here.

5 GHz Test

Waveform when CLK frequency = 5 GHz

10 GHz Test

Waveform when CLK frequency = 10 GHz

12.5 GHz Test

Waveform when CLK frequency = 12.5 GHz

When the CLK frequency = 12.5 GHz, C(out) and S(out) are not settled yet at the end of some clock cycles. Therefore, our adder can work at the maximum clock frequency of 10 GHz.

Time required for 32-bit addition is 1/(10 GHz) * 32 = 3.2 ns.

Section 6: Design metrics and performance.

Maximum Clock Frequency 10 GHz
Power Consumption (0.898 mA)(1.2 V) = 1.078 mW
Area 20 x 34 μm
Computational Time (32-bit addition) 3.2 ns