My publications and teaching materials :orange_book:

Chemistry for POSN Chemistry for POSN (meb, pdf). the 400-page free-to-download book for preparing for National Chemistry Olympiad camp in Thailand (POSN), now has over 3000 downloads.
Chemistry for PAT3 Chemistry for PAT3 (meb, pdf). the free-to-download book for preparing for engineering national entrance exam. (Thailand has changed its national university admission system again in 2022, so PAT3 is no more.)
Chemistry for Intania Freshy GEN CHEM Summary for 1st year Chulalongkorn U. engineering students (YouTube) It’s total length is 11 hours.
Thai Teaching How to read Thai in less than 5 hours (YouTube, pdf)
Simulink Electrical How to use MATLAB/Simulink to simulate electrical circuits (YouTube)