Note on JPEG compression :maple_leaf:

This is the demonstration of how the image is compressed by JPEG discrete cosine transform method.

To begin, let’s set the value of image quality as you like (10% to 95%.)

# setting the quality of image.
quality = 20

Import all of the nessessary libraries.

# Import nessessary libraries.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
import imageio.v3 as iio

Then, import and image and show it.

# Read the image and show its size.
im = iio.imread('images/barb.tif')

# Show the image.

Original Image

This is the functions for DCT and inverse-DCT.

# Function of 2-dimensional DCT.
def dct2D(a):
    return scipy.fft.dct( scipy.fft.dct( a, axis=0, norm='ortho' ), axis=1, norm='ortho' )

# Function of 2-dimensional IDCT.
def idct2D(a):
    return scipy.fft.idct( scipy.fft.idct( a, axis=0 , norm='ortho'), axis=1 , norm='ortho')

Normalize this grayscale image with minusing 128. (The shade is represented by 0 to 255.) Then, doing DCT in a 8x8 blocks manner and show the DCT-ed image.

# Normalize.
im = im - np.ones(im.shape)*128

# Build the array which stores DCT coeffs.
imsize = im.shape
dct = np.zeros(imsize)

# Do 8x8 DCT on image (in-place).
for i in np.arange(0, imsize[0], 8):
    for j in np.arange(0, imsize[1], 8):
        dct[i:(i+8),j:(j+8)] = dct2D( im[i:(i+8),j:(j+8)] )

# Display entire DCT.
plt.imshow(dct,cmap='gray',vmax = np.max(dct)*0.01,vmin = 0)
plt.title( "8x8 DCTs of the image")

DCT Image

It is more convenient to deal with seperated 8x8 blocks. Let’s do it!

# %% 8x8 Blocking.

# Matrix to store size-of-8x8 matrices.
dct_blocks_size = (int(imsize[0]/8),int(imsize[1]/8))
dct_blocks = np.zeros((dct_blocks_size[0],dct_blocks_size[1],8,8))

# Slice the image to size-of-8x8 matrices.
for i in np.arange(0, dct_blocks_size[0]):
    start_row = i*8
    for j in np.arange(0, dct_blocks_size[1]):
        start_col = j*8
        dct_blocks[i,j] = dct[start_row:(start_row+8),start_col:(start_col+8)]

# Display some dct blocks, with its corresponding real image blocks. 
fig = plt.figure()
idx_toshow = np.array([[19,32],[23,12],[30,15]])
for idx in range(3):
    idx_row = idx_toshow[idx,0]
    idx_col = idx_toshow[idx,1]
    ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, idx*2+1)
    ax.imshow(im[idx_row*8:idx_row*8+8, idx_col*8:idx_col*8+8],cmap='gray')
    ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, idx*2+2) # this line adds sub-axes

original vs DCT

The left 8x8 blocks are from the original image, where the right 8x8 blocks are the dct of that corresponding blocks

Then, it’s time for quantization. The quantization table and its relation to quality is gratefully brought from seanwu1105’s prototype-jpeg repository. Hat off to him!

# %% Quantization.

def quantize(block, quality=50, inverse=False):
    quantization_table = LUMINANCE_QUANTIZATION_TABLE
    factor = 5000 / quality if quality < 50 else 200 - 2 * quality
    if inverse:
        return block * (quantization_table * factor / 100)
    return block / (quantization_table * factor / 100)

    (16, 11, 10, 16, 24, 40, 51, 61),
    (12, 12, 14, 19, 26, 58, 60, 55),
    (14, 13, 16, 24, 40, 57, 69, 56),
    (14, 17, 22, 29, 51, 87, 80, 62),
    (18, 22, 37, 56, 68, 109, 103, 77),
    (24, 36, 55, 64, 81, 104, 113, 92),
    (49, 64, 78, 87, 103, 121, 120, 101),
    (72, 92, 95, 98, 112, 100, 103, 99)

The quantized 8x8 blocks in kept in dct_blocks_quant.

# Store quantized value in dct_block_quant.
dct_blocks_quant = np.zeros((dct_blocks_size[0],dct_blocks_size[1],8,8))
for i in np.arange(0, dct_blocks_size[0]):
    for j in np.arange(0, dct_blocks_size[1]):
        dct_blocks_quant[i,j] = quantize(dct_blocks[i,j], quality=quality)
dct_blocks_quant = np.rint(dct_blocks_quant).astype(int) # rounding to integer.

# Display some quantized dct blocks, with its corresponding dct blocks. 
fig = plt.figure()
idx_toshow = np.array([[19,32],[23,12],[30,15]])
for idx in range(3):
    idx_row = idx_toshow[idx,0]
    idx_col = idx_toshow[idx,1]
    ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, idx*2+1)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, idx*2+2) # this line adds sub-axes

quantized vs unquantized

The left 8x8 blocks are from the quantized DCT blocks, where the right 8x8 blocks are the corresponding unquantized DCT blocks. You can see that further away from the DC coefficent at the upper left, the value of AC coefficients are more heavily decreased relatively.

Now, we are tempted to reconstruct the image to see how much the image is changed after the compression. Let’s begin! (Notice that it is just like to step back from where we are.)

# %% Rescaling by quantization.

decode_dct_blocks = np.zeros((dct_blocks_size[0],dct_blocks_size[1],8,8)).astype(int)
for i in np.arange(0, dct_blocks_size[0]):
    for j in np.arange(0, dct_blocks_size[1]):
        decode_dct_blocks[i,j] = quantize(dct_blocks_quant[i,j], quality=quality, inverse=True)

# %% Reintegrating the image.

decode_dct = np.zeros((dct_blocks_size[0]*8,dct_blocks_size[1]*8))
for i in np.arange(0, dct_blocks_size[0]):
    start_row = i*8
    for j in np.arange(0, dct_blocks_size[1]):
        start_col = j*8
        decode_dct[start_row:(start_row+8),start_col:(start_col+8)] = decode_dct_blocks[i,j]

# %% Inverse DCT.

decode_im = np.zeros((dct_blocks_size[0]*8,dct_blocks_size[1]*8))
for i in np.arange(0, imsize[0], 8):
    for j in np.arange(0, imsize[1], 8):
        decode_im[i:(i+8),j:(j+8)] = idct2D( decode_dct[i:(i+8),j:(j+8)] )

# Show the image.

quantized vs unquantized

Reconstruction from the compressed file.

To measure PSNR, this is the way.

# %% PSNR

import math

def psnr(data1, data2, max_pixel=255):
    mse = np.mean((data1 - data2) ** 2)
    if mse:
        return 20 * math.log10(max_pixel / mse ** 0.5)
    return math.inf

psnr_exp = psnr(im, decode_im)

Let’s play this code by yourself! Maybe on Google Colab, Jupyter Notebook or Spyder. in Spyder, you can use # %% to separate a code into sections and run those one by one (just like MATLAB’s %%.) Have fun!